
Scale your business and expand your reach

Banks and Financial Institutions are relying on digital channels to fuel new customer acquisition.

Onboard new customers, shorten times, and boost productivity by complying with the most demanding regulatory standards of any environment.

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Banquero | Banker

of customers in the sector prefer digital banking to traditional players


of users say they experience difficulties and distrust in KYC processes


growth of new customers in digital banking compared to 3% in traditional banking

The industry must meet clients’ needs while operating securely

Financial institutions and banks can transform how they organize their processes and engage with their customers in days.

Absolute compliance

As a RegTech partner and Trust Services Provider, we ensure that all your processes and operations meet the highest standards, no matter what they are, both onsite and online.

Comply with technical and regulatory requirements in any area and region. Allow your users to operate with the highest level of risk.

Operations remotization

Demands and needs are constantly evolving. Incorporate new customers and offer products and services in any market on a 100% remote, agile and compliant basis.

Analyze, manage and obtain risk metrics based on the client profile. Visualize real-time data and calculate AML scores.

Access to products and services

Empower your customers to perform any type of management, transaction, or operation. Provide secure, compliant, and agile access so that activities and new opportunities never fail. 

With strong authentication, you don’t need to request a new KYC or signature process for a new customer to contract a new product or service in their personal area.

What can we do together?

Create a unique experience for your users so they’ll love interacting with you.

Tell us your case
Digital customer onboarding

Incorporate new customers in any market, from anywhere, at any time.

Biometrics or NFC payments

Create agile payment gateways based on biometrics or digital certificates. PSD2 and SCA compliant.


ISO 27001, 27701, 9001, eIDAS, GDPR, AML, KYC, PSD2, SCA into your systems, processes and markets.

Certified communications

Maturities, notice of debt, invoices, finalizations, or change of clauses.

Know Your Business and Due Diligence

Establish a framework of trust and security before making any important decision.


E2E traceability for all your operations. Test, audit, and obtain metrics tailored to your needs.

BFSI Industry Report 2023-24

Our experience - coupled with that of our clients - has resulted in a comprehensive overview of industry trends, practices and challenges.

Are the leaders' acquisition techniques working? We analyzed the best proposals and how BFSIs are approaching their processes to achieve their business goals.

Convergence and diversification capabilities have marked these key areas for economy. Discover the KPIs to expect today for businesses in the industry and what to expect from the market in the near future.

BFSI Challenges cover

Create a unique experience

Make your business the digital banking your customers expect. Grow, save and deliver a forefront experience at the same time.

  • Transform operations that normally take days or weeks into operations that take minutes or even seconds. Cut down on records processing costs.
  • Prevent abandonment during the incorporation process with a tested and polished solution. Your users will love interacting with you.
  • Hit the mark in one fell swoop. Eliminate error and prevent information and documentation loss by automating tasks and processes.

Tecalis adapts and integrates 100% to your systems and brand

  • Use the best control panel on the market for an electronic signature solution or integrate our API and easily connect with your tools.
  • Offer your users a first-class UX/UI experience and convey the image you wish. Branding, design and communication of operations according to your brand.
persona con todas sus aplicaciones integradas | person who has all his apps integrated
Ready to talk?
Discuss with our experts how Tecalis can help you grow your business.

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Trust, identity and automation services

Tecalis creates disruptive digital product to make the most innovative companies grow and evolve. We drive growth and digital transformation processes to bring the future to businesses today.

KYC (Know Your Customer) Video Identity Verification, Digital Onboarding and Authentication (MFA/2FA) solutions and services enable our customers to provide their users with an agile and secure experience.

Our RPA (Robot Process Automation) software enables the creation of sustainable, scalable, productive and efficient business models through BPM (Business Process Management), allowing unlimited growth.


Advanced and Qualified Electronic Signature and Certified Communication services (Electronic Burofax) allow customer acquisition, contracting and acceptance processes that used to take days or weeks to be completed and approved in minutes or seconds.

Customer Onboarding (eKYC), Digital Signature (eSignature) services and Automated Fraud Prevention are making it possible for companies to operate online and without borders.


As an EU-certified Trust Services Provider and an established RegTech partner, we help organizations comply with the most demanding regulatory standards in their sector and region, including AML (Anti-Money Laundering), eIDAS (Electronic IDentification, Authentication and etrust Services), GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation), SCA (Strong Customer Authentication) or PSD2 (Payment Services Directive) regulations thanks to Tecalis Anti-Fraud Controls and Document Verification.