Tecalis, CCII's IT Ethical Company once again

Sello ética tecalis 2024

Tecalis has once again obtained the 'Empresa éTICa' (IT Ethical Company) seal awarded by the General Council of Professional Associations of Computer Engineering of Spain. Previously, Tecalis was the first company to obtain this distinction that recognizes and makes visible those companies that work in the world of ICT and that enhance their ethical commitment in their actions and activity.

The President of the CCII, Fernando Suárez, and the Director of Corporate Affairs and Impact of Tecalis, Berta Caro, sealed the agreement in Santiago de Compostela. The renewal this 2024 - 3 years later - demonstrates Tecalis' commitment to the responsible and sustainable development of its technology, which evolves and expands in accordance with the most demanding regulations and integrates data and information processing models in accordance with the highest standards of privacy and security.

The CCII's 'Empresa éTICa' seal is a leading initiative in the industry that serves to highlight those entities and companies that have specific policies for the ethical development of their professional activities in the field of technology, digital development and the IT profession

At a time when the digital transformation and the emergence of AI is revealed as one of the primary factors in the social and economic sphere and, in which elements such as big data and the proper treatment of data and information are so present in the day to day, the commitment to the 'Empresa éTICa' seal becomes even more relevant to promote good practices, responsibility and sustainability in the day to day of technology companies


Trust, identity and automation services

Tecalis creates disruptive digital product to make the most innovative companies grow and evolve. We drive growth and digital transformation processes to bring the future to businesses today.

KYC (Know Your Customer) Video Identity Verification, Digital Onboarding and Authentication (MFA/2FA) solutions and services enable our customers to provide their users with an agile and secure experience.

Our RPA (Robot Process Automation) software enables the creation of sustainable, scalable, productive and efficient business models through BPM (Business Process Management), allowing unlimited growth.


Advanced and Qualified Electronic Signature and Certified Communication services (Electronic Burofax) allow customer acquisition, contracting and acceptance processes that used to take days or weeks to be completed and approved in minutes or seconds.

Customer Onboarding (eKYC), Digital Signature (eSignature) services and Automated Fraud Prevention are making it possible for companies to operate online and without borders.


As an EU-certified Trust Services Provider and an established RegTech partner, we help organizations comply with the most demanding regulatory standards in their sector and region, including AML (Anti-Money Laundering), eIDAS (Electronic IDentification, Authentication and etrust Services), GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation), SCA (Strong Customer Authentication) or PSD2 (Payment Services Directive) regulations thanks to Tecalis Anti-Fraud Controls and Document Verification.