Case Study

Security Hub for SOC: Access control and biometrics

Logotipo de Prosegur
The Client

Prosegur has established itself as a leader in global security services. Third worldwide, it works to ensure the security of people, companies and society as a whole with a strong focus on the forefront of innovation in the industry.

Central de prosegur en un ordenador portatil programa
The Challenge

From Prosegur's SOC (Security Operations Center), the company offers comprehensive security and surveillance services with remote team management using high-tech systems to ensure reliable environments at its customers' physical locations.

Prosegur must offer an on-demand service for the complete management of access to the facilities of leading businesses and companies and the corresponding security services.

The Solution

Tecalis has designed for Prosegur a comprehensive access and security management system, from the work platforms used in the company's SOC with a transversal control, through the scheduling of visits to the access solution in the facilities with facial recognition technology.

This provides access self-management that allows Prosegur to control security and its customers to be agile in terms of visits and access to their facilities. With proactive equipment in the SOCs, unified virtual surveillance and concierge models are established thanks to a control of networked devices that support the existing CCAA through the Tecalis platform.

Prosegur controles de acceso tornos oficinas
Why Tecalis

Tecalis combines agile and scalable product development with experience in ambitious projects for the most demanding multinational companies. The application of technologies tested and used by millions of users to very specific use cases is possible thanks to a personalized customer service to collect in detail all the needs presented to an ambitious challenge.

Discover how technology can reinvent processes for better security and facility management.

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